Ultimate High Vibe Self Care Guide for Quarantine

Right now staying at home is the smartest and most effective way to stop the spread of Corona Virus.

It’s a time to take precautionary measures and protect the elderly, immunocompromised and vulnerable members of society.

This is also a time that a lot of people are finding particularly stressful, it can be easy to dip into fear, panic, anxiety, overwhelm and uncertainty for the future.

Lots of feelings are coming to the surface and it’s not about just “staying positive” and suppressing the feelings and emotions you are experiencing.

Allow yourself to feel whatever is coming up for you, but then have tools and resources on hand so that you are able to shift through them quickly and return to your centre.

This is the time to dive even deeper into self care, love, compassion and connection to your body.

We are resilient af and have so much to be grateful for, despite the challenges this is bringing us.

This is a time to allow yourself deep rest, nourishment and a deeper connection to yourself than you’ve ever experienced.

And though it is necessary to self isolate right now, that doesn’t mean isolation from our community, take advantage of your ability to connect with people online.

These are my top tips for high vibe self care during this time.

Do a big shop or get food delivered if at all possible and then stay home!


My absolute favourite way to shift stagnant energy and get out of my head and into my body is to DANCE!

I’ve made a playlist with some absolute bangers for you to put on and dance around the lounge to. Check it out on Spotify here.

My favourite album to relax to in the evenings or cook food to right now is Ben Howard- Every Kingdom.

I’m also loving the yoga glo app. Elena Brower’s classes are my fave. I love the class Meet Every Moment and I’ve also just started a 12 class beginner program. Self Care for Women- Practices for Resilience and Grace. I am no yogi so this is perfect for me as they are only 30 minute classes and are level 1-2 so doesn’t feel too intense but gets me in my body and is a great way to support my nervous system from the beginning of the day.

I’m also loving diving into a simple qigong practice to get the energy flowing in my body, my mentor Trent Banyan made a simple little video for me to follow along with, there’s loads on youtube! Feel into what works for you, there’s so many ways we can stay in touch with our body and movement at home.

I love using my yoga oils before and after practice and even if you’re not doing yoga and just find yourself in your head and feeling a bit overwhelmed or emotional, these are great to bring you back into your body. I use the purple one on my feet, green over my heart and orange- a drop or two in my hands, breathe deep and apply excess to top of my head.


Coming back to the breath is such an incredible tool to keep yourself well regulated, especially with so much going on externally, it’s a great reminder that you are safe and held.

I love the Wim Hof technique and there are so many added benefits of this, it’s incredible for your immune system too and the deep meditative state I go into after breathing is next level. I’ve always struggled with meditation, quiet, guided or otherwise, but since breathwork has come into my life I have found that I can enter deep, meditative states and really go within and into the silence.

There are so many incredible breathing techniques you can work with. Another one I am really loving right now is heart coherence breath. Breathe in through your nose for a count of four and out through your mouth for a count of four, as you breathe focus on pulling the energy up through the earth and down from the sky into your heart. This Elemental Transformation playlist by my friend Kyle Lazich, the Chocolate Wizard is an awesome one to breathe to or to meditate with. I am obsessed with this playlist. Check it out on Spotify here.

My legendary friends Jared Grantham and Abergale Bremner have also created a totally free and transformational breathwork event starting 1 April. To join head here.


I am obsessed with the power of plants to help shift a state of being rapidly.

Did you know that your sense of smell is your fastest track down memory lane? When you smell something it enters the olfactory system and then the lymbic system, which is the emotional centre of your brain, depending on which essential oils or blends you choose to use you can powerfully shift emotions.

My two favourite books to work with to dive deeper into understanding the emotional and energetic properties of essential oils are Essential Emotions, grab it on kindle here. And this new book Gifts of the Essential Oils by Adam Barralet and Vanessa Jean. Preorder your copy here.

What I love about this book is that it breaks the categories of oils down into different elements.

Earth- from the Woods, Barks and Roots– oils like Arborvitae, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Ginger, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Turmeric and Vetiver.

Oils from this category are traditionally very grounding, they help bring stability and connection with the earth and will support you to feel grounded, secure and strong. They can help offer protection, resilience and support for the physical body and help you to feel safe and balanced.

No matter what’s going on around you allow these grounding oils to help you stay in your centre and truth and reach your roots deep into the earth. These oils can also remind you of what is truly important and invite you to return to who you really are. They are like a homecoming to yourself and offer protection.

Some blends that come to mind to support you in this category are Balance, our beautiful grounding blend. I’ve been putting this on the soles of my feet, on the back of my neck and on my wrists daily during this time to help me return to my centre when things feel overwhelming and a little hectic. Console and Forgive also include tree oils and Anchor from the Yoga Collection- as mentioned I’ve also been using this daily before my yoga practice to keep me extra grounded.

Water- from the Flowers- oils like Blue Tansy, Clary Sage, Clove, Geranium, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Yarrow and Ylang Ylang.

Flower oils are traditionally very comforting and reassuring as well as blissful, relaxing and opening. Like a flower blooms in nature, using floral oils supports you to bloom and open your heart to give and receive love. They can also show you how to love yourself on a deeper level. Flower oils help you to become even more magnetic and support your creativity.

Flower oils are calming, loving, sensual and can help you to embrace your feminine, soften and open, while providing you with loving comfort.

Air- from the Leaves- oils like Basil, Black Spruce, Cilantro, Cypress, Douglas Fir, Eucalyptus, Lemon Myrtle, Lemongrass, Manuka, Marjoram, Melissa, Oregano, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Siberian Fir, Spearmint, Tarragon, Tea Tree, Thyme and Wintergreen.

Traditionally essential oils from this element will offer you support and guidance in the mental/intellectual realms.

Like leaves change in nature, the oils from the leaves remind you to stay true to yourself but also to be adaptable and to transition gracefully with change. If you are feeling fogging or lacking clarity, these oils can help bring fresh perspective and assist in seeing things from a new point of view.

Many leaf oils also support the respiratory system and help you to breathe in even more of life, they can help bring laser focus, clarity and certainty.

I also want to give a special mention to the mint oils within this category, Peppermint and Spearmint. I love the level of focus, joy and freshness these oils bring through. Peppermint is the oil of the buoyant heart and Spearmint the oil of confident speech.

Fire- from the Fruits- oils like Bergamot, Black Pepper, Clementine, Grapefruit, Green Mandarin, Juniper Berry, Kumquat, Lemon, Lime, Litsea, Pink Pepper, Red Mandarin, Tangerine and Wild Orange

Most of these oils fall under the Citrus category. I love how much joy citrus oils bring, they are just so instantly uplifting and invigorating. If you are feeling a bit flat, low and things are getting to you, try taking a drop or two of your favourite citrus oils or a blend like Citrus Bliss, Cheer, Motivate or Ascend in the palm of your hands, rub together and breathe deeply. I love mixing Citrus oils with Mint oils for the ultimate uplifting blend.

I love using citrus oils alongside citrine crystal for manifestation. They also support creativity, abundance and transformation. They represent the energy of the sun and of light.

Then we come to Juniper Berry and Black pepper, while from the fruits they are not citrus oils and they actually represent the dark or shadow aspects. Juniper Berry is the oil of the night. This is not to be seen as a negative thing however, it’s important to be able to navigate the shadow and darker aspects of life without fear. I use Juniper Berry every single night on my pillow and swipe a drop on my top lip to stop me from having nightmares and to be able to integrate the darkness.

Akasha- from the Resins and Seeds- oils like Cardamom, Copaiba, Coriander Seed, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Frankincense, Myrrh and Star Anise

Oils from the resin of the plant like Frankincense, Myrrh and Copaiba are the lifeblood of the plant. They allow you to get into the heartbeat and flow of who you truly are, if you are wanting to connect with your core and essence, these oils are amazing to help you with this. Resin oils help with longevity and steadfastness and are incredible to help you work with emotional wounding/trauma. They are truly life giving and can help you not only deeply connection with yourself but with source, with earth, with the sky.

The seeds help you connect with potential and remind you that everything is possible, they epitomise patience and are light seekers and seek the truth of what they can become, helping you to do the same. Work with the seeds to tune into your own pure power, potential and possibilities.

To dive in deeper into exactly how each oil under each element can support you, get the book Gifts of the Essential Oils, it’s a truly incredible resource.


I am lucky enough to be in self isolation/quarantine with two beautiful women staying with me at the moment, Aliese and Mandy and we have been diving into awesome movie dates every single night.


My top recommendations

Trolls- far out I am obsessed with this movie, legit want Branch to be my troll boyfriend.

This scene gets me every time

Sandra Bullock movies

The Heat- cried with laughter


The Blind Side

Miss Cogenialty


The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie 2nd Part

Wanderlust- this movie literally makes me cry laughing, the mirror scene.. haha, the way they take the piss out of the ultra spiritual open relating community. SO DAMN GOOD!!

Bad Moms


While we may have to be in isolation and can’t connect in the physical with our fellow humans, this isn’t a time to completely withdraw, this is a time to lean into social media, get on the phone, or have a zoom coffee date with your friends, check in with each other, see if they’re ok, reach out if you need help and stay deeply connected.

And remember your connection with yourself, with your breath, with your body, with your essence.

Come back to these tools and remind yourself that you are safe.

While my deepest compassion and love goes to anyone suffering in this time, who is being challenged financially, who has loved ones who are sick or who has lost someone they love, for this I am so so sorry.

I do also believe positives can come from the situation, right now earth and all its humans are being invited to take deep rest, to recover, to really think about what truly matters, what’s important.

And this is an opportunity to really dive into the uncertainty and ask yourself if your life is actually how you want it to look.

Are you building someone else’s dream?

Have you been working a job you don’t even like?

Right now more than ever before I am having people reach out to me ready to launch a business with doTERRA, they recognise now more than ever people are prioritising their health with plants.

They recognise now more than ever is a time to lean into an ethical, sustainable model where everyone rises together.

And they recognise now more than ever is a time to build genuine, sustainable, long term, stable, residual income.

If this is you and you want to partner with me to build a business, please reach out to me, email me at jessrems@gmail.com with the subject title application to launch my dreams.

All my love.
