Where are the MILK BANKS???

Right. I’m having a serious fucking spitting venomous fire, mega rage attack. Head. Desk. Repeat. Right now I want to get a fucking ARMY of people and fucking scream this shit from the roof tops and bang pots and pans and fucking take a dump on the old, outdated, ludicrous, pathetic, fear mongering, propaganda, money grubbing, useless and fucking PISS POOR advice that is STILL being shilled out with no fucking end in sight. FUCK.

You might be wondering what in the name of hell fire could I be flipping my shit so spectacularly about. I just received this comment on my page. The hospital in question is a Brisbane hospital no less and I am BEYOND over it “A friend of mine’s cousin has just had a baby who has jaundice, so is in special care, the mother was sent home and the midwife told her to put her on the bottle as it will be hard for her milk to come though and the only other option is to express which isn’t something every woman can do.”

FUCKING SHIT A BRICK. This shit ain’t hard. We have blood banks, jizz banks, egg banks and fucking money banks why in seven hells of fiery fuck land don’t we have UNPASTEURIED (pasteurisation destroys all the good shit) SCREENED milk banks. This shit is beyond fucking ludicrous. Honestly. And for fucks sake I am sick to bloody death of the comment that donor milk or wet nursing is ‘disgusting/gross/not something you should do’. Seriously????? But drinking from another species is completely fucking normal.


If your midwife/Dr/some other dumb prick tells you your baby HAS TO BE ON FORMULA because of jaundice or some other fucking ludicrous reason tell them to piss right off, feed your baby and if you can’t or DON’T HAVE ENOUGH right now, get donor milk and the support of an excellent Lactation Consultant to give you real options. Do not take shit advice. There is so much more that can be done.

The formula industry is a multi billion dollar industry. They are quite happy with the way things are. I say not on my fucking watch sonny jim. I got sucked into believing formula was the ‘next best thing’ when I was breastfeeding my first son and didn’t have the support/education/resources to keep going when the going got tough. 

formula breastfed baby

Yes, I am aware, some women can’t breastfeed, breastfeeding is hard, I know my second had upper lip and tongue tie that had to be revised, I had mastitis 6 times, I went to a million appointments and rehab and wanted to run to the shop and get formula A LOT!!! But I persevered because it was important to me and because know better=do better.

If I was unable to continue however there is no way I would have bought formula- especially from those filthy fuckers at Nestle. I would go straight to human milk 4 human babies and get donor milk. Stat. Because bottom line breast milk is the biological norm and formula has all sorts of risks that I simply am not willing to take. Especially with my family health history.

To fully understand this complex subject I highly recommend Cyndi’s Breastfeeding Report.

“The health consequences of not breastfeeding and feeding babies formula include twice the risk of dying in the first six weeks of life, five times the risk of gastroenteritis, twice the risk of developing eczema and diabetes and up to eight times the risk of developing lymphatic cancer.

Numerous studies have shown that breastfeeding can better protect babies from many childhood ailments such as lower respiratory infections, atopic dermatitis, allergies, asthma, obesity, type 1 and type2 diabetes, diarrhea, influenza, ear infections, inguinal hernia, eczema, childhood leukemia and lowers risk of SIDS.”

Please note I share what I do to inform, educate and empower people to make whatever decision is right for them and their family. Not to ‘judge’ ‘criticise’ or guilt’. Take or leave what I say but KNOW THIS. NO ONE, especially not some random on the internet can MAKE you feel something. Only you have control over whether or not you feel something. If you feel good about something great, if something I post brings up a defense mechanism or guilt response or you feel judged it actually has sweet fuck all to do with me and what I am posting, that is your stuff, they are your feelings and it might be valuable for you to look at and understand those feelings and work through them. You cannot change the past but when you know better you CAN make the choice to do better.

I post things for information purposes. No one is doubting that parents do the best they can in the situation with the best interests of their child at heart. I am not guilting or judging you and if you feel that way that is YOUR STUFF!!!!!

Also did you know relactation is very possible? Check this shit out!

  • This seriously sends me mental! I hate the backwards outdated fucking ways of thinking that is still so bloody prevalent in the hospitals and child nurses today! Raaaaaagh the rage!

    • It is extremely frustrating and sad for our babies, mums and the health of everyone.. bloody formula companies..

  • I can’t agree with you more and I love the way you have expressed this directly from the heart. I love that other people have such passionately strong views on the important issues, just like I do. There are lots of “earthy-birthy” Mama’s who would donate milk to this babe if the parents were open to it. I would be happy to share on some natural birth groups/pages that I am a member of, if it would help…?

  • Wholly shit fuck did we just become best friends? First time reader, echo of the internal dialogue of my brain! Thanks for sharing!

  • thanks for this! as a nutritionist working with young kids it is a constant struggle recommending breastfeeding. I get people tut tutting me like I’m being judgemental or guilt tripping mums into breastfeeding.

    The reality is though that Formula is there for extreme cases where a baby cannot take breastmilk. Lactose intolerance or a severe feeding issue or for mums who are unwell (and yes a milk bank would be a better option in all those cases). Problem is that too many mums feel they cant breastfeeding – well it is fed to them that they cant, that their milk isnt good enough or some other myth. Then because we have had years of Formula companies in doctors and hospitals pockets it is hard to reverse the effects and go back to how it was prior to formula. Growth charts for example are based on Formula fed babies. Of course a breastfeeding baby might look like it is not big enough – they arent always as big as Formula babies and that is fine & normal. I was constantly congratulated on how big my breastfed baby was and continually asked if i was feeding her formula. As though that was some greatness to reach – to have a baby that weighs what a formula fed baby does. Anyhow good work.

    I particularly like your articles on the dietitian accreditation (I myself have not got accredited because I dont want to associate with them – however it does hurt my career as we’re fed that we must only go to accredited professionals). And your Heart Foundation petition. We are taught not to trust research which is sponsored by food manufactures so why should be trust organisations which get money from or are associated with certain brands.

    My other little crusade is brands like nestle etc and their marketing in developing countries. It is absolutely sickening. Not sure if you’ve seen much on that. Just disgusting. For example cocacola bribe school principals to only allow cocacola drinks in the school. No water etc. The kids get low cost coke all day every day at school. just horrific. Anyhow keep up the good work. Great to see people asking these questions and getting a debate happening.

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