Deepen with Cedarwood

Welcome to week thirteen of Deepen with the Plants, you can register to join this free program at any time

Listen to this weeks podcast episode here

What is Cedarwood

The specific species type of our Cedarwood is Juniperus virginiana, more commonly known as the red cedar. It has a divinely woody, grounding, earthy with a hint of spice aroma. It smells like you are walking deep into a forest.

These Cedarwood trees can grow in extremely harsh, cold conditions in extreme climates and high altitudes, they can grow up to 100 feet tall and live for up to 900 years.

How to Use Cedarwood

My favourite way to use Cedarwood essential oil is a sleep anchor, I apply it to the underneath of both of my big toes, as this is the reflexology point for the brain, so if you have an overactive mind at night, this can help you switch off and ground in for a deep, restful sleep.

I also like to apply it to my wrists, chest and back of neck and breathe it in deeply, anchoring in that I will sleep deep and well each night. I will also apply it to the big toes and soles of feet of my children to support them to get a good night sleep or if they wake with nightmares I will do this to help ground them back into a deep sleep, with Juniper Berry on their pillows or in the diffuser to keep nightmares at bay.

Cedarwood is also excellent for keeping moths at bay, you can put it on cotton wool balls in your closet.

It is also an excellent insect repellent, try diffusing it or applying it to your skin with Arborvitae and Citronella, not only does it smell amazing and will help keep you grounded and calm, it will keep the insects and mozzies off you.

You can also add Cedarwood to your top soil or mulch to keep insects at bay in the garden.

Try making a grounding, relaxing sleep or meditative blend with Cedarwood in a roller, spritzer or in the diffuser. Cedarwood blends well with oils like Vetiver, Patchouli, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Frankincense, Arborvitae, Cypress, Bergamot or Clary Sage.

Cedarwood is the oil of Community

When I tune into Cedarwood I am reminded of the gifts of letting the humans into my heart. 

To release any of these old stories that I don’t belong, that I’m on the outer, that I don’t fit in, that I need to do it all on my own. 

Knowing that my heart, love of myself and who I am as a person, how I choose to show up and make people feel in my space, is a magnet for the right kind of humans. 

We thrive on community, on connection. 

Purposefully and intentionally creating community is life changing, others have so many gifts they can bring to our life. 

Deep belly laughs, perspective, cuddles, dancing, adventures, wisdom, a hand to hold, someone to hold you when you cry and to celebrate your wins with you. And you can be that someone to hold them when they cry, and to celebrate their wins. 

Remember to maintain your own opinions and individuality. You do not have to agree on every point with people to have them in your life. 

You get to be you. All of you. And met and loved in that. 

Wild and silly. Stable and solid. Playful and deep. 

In many cultures, people have gathered around a cedar tree, or in buildings constructed from cedarwood. It is a symbol of community and gathering.

How can you put more intention into creating the kind of community you’ve always dreamed of having in your life? 

How can you be the kind of person that lights people up? That helps people feel seen, loved, valued and like they matter. 

You get to have people in your life that meet you, that match your heart. That are there for all of it. 

Feel and see them in your life right now.  

Get really clear on the kinds of friendships you want to have. The kind of community you want to be a part of. 

Make a list of the top 15 people you want in your life. That you want to invest the most time, space and energy in. Make sure these are the kinds of people that really add value to your life. Who you feel better for it when you spend time with them. Not drained, leached or taxed by. 

Pay attention to who’s not on it that you might’ve thought would be- and let that be ok. 

Cedarwood will help you ground more deeply into your intuition. And listen more closely to your no as well as your yes. 

Who are you a space for. The more clear your no, the more loud, welcoming and resounding your yes is and the more space you will have for this yes, and these people in your life. 

Open your arms and your heart and let these people all the way in. 

You don’t have to go it alone. 

It’s much more fun together. 

Cedarwood can also help you declutter, realise what’s actually a waste of time, space and energy, where your focus needs to be and to cut through the overwhelm. 

To stop over-committing and to simplify and ground in. 

No more too busy. 

Simple and free. 

Cedarwood reminds you of the absolute magic of the physical, human, reality. To stop any flighty, ungrounded escape hatches.  And to really be here, on plant earth, two feet on the ground, experiencing all of the magic life has to offer. 

Cedarwood has solid, stable, deeply grounding, rooted into the earth energy. 

It is not flimsy. And nor are you. 

Cedarwood can support you to commit to your path and purpose, to harness your full potential and live your dreams, making them your truth and reality. 

I would love to hear your journey

Keep a journal of your experiences with each oil or blend, this is about you deepening your relationship and connection with the spirit of each plant, spend time with it, tune into it and I would love to hear your experiences, feel free to tag me on socials, my instagram is jessie_reimers or write in to me at

Upcoming Oils and Blends

Next week we are deepening with Celery Seed.

If you are placing your order now in time for April the other oils we will be deepening with are Cheer, Cilantro and Cinnamon, order these now so they arrive in time for April.

Don’t have a doTERRA account yet?

Email me at or contact the person who introduced you to doTERRA to get set up or head to you can set up from just about anywhere in the world, and you can get one of the starter kits or pay the $35 for a wholesale account so you get 25% off all our products + loads of other benefits and loyalty discounts.

Enjoy deepening with Cedarwood this week.

Jessie xx