The Birth Story of Havana

This is Briar’s story of the birth of her daughter Havana.

briar bf

“I had heard many great things about a “doula” once I realised I was pregnant and was on a journey to find as much information I could regarding a VBAC birth.

My first birth was a failed induction which unfortunately resulted in a caesarean section, 48hrs later. I was tired and terrified, and for days and weeks after I felt so disappointed that my first experience of labour and birth was robbed of me. I had very little hope when I found out I was pregnant again for the second time.

Cheryl came over to meet me and instantly I felt warmth from her. She was comfortable, caring and nurturing and put no pressure on me to hire her.

My husband was sceptical and thought after such a disappointing first birth surely it couldn’t get any better and we both thought I wouldn’t be able to do it drug free. He wanted me to book in for an elective caesarean because he couldn’t bear to see me go through that again. I envied women who spoke about a drug free positive birth and dreamed about how unreal it would be if I was that person… Well I was.

I woke up in the early hours of October 21st with mild cramps. I sent Cheryl an email explaining what was going on and in short she said, “all sounds wonderful, things will either pick up or slow down throughout the day, I’ll come over as soon as you need me” it was just what I needed to hear as I completely chilled out and tried to relax and remembered that all these feelings and emotions were wonderful and normal.

Things certainly picked up and Cheryl was at my side at one phone call. I laboured at home where she helped me in the shower and the bath and calmly got me through each contraction reminding me that my body knew exactly what to do and to ride with those fantastic natural endorphins, which by the way are much more powerful than any drug they give you!

We arrived at the hospital a few hours later and I was 6cm dilated. (This was more than I ever reached with my first before needing a caesarean & needing morphine and an epidural) we headed straight to birth suite and that’s when we all worked as a team. She was the calming voice in each of my ears telling me what a great job I was doing, how strong I was, and reminding me that I was going to meet my baby very soon. When times got tough and I asked for an epidural she asked me to move positions and we would tried something new, which was just what I needed.

I was leaning over the bed when the midwife said we would check my progress in an hour and suddenly I had these instant urges to push. I quietly pushed a few times and then my baby’s head was born. The next contraction her body was born and we were surprised with a little girl. Cheryl constantly reminded the staff and me of my birth plan and everything went the way I wanted it to and the way I had dreamed. I was that girl who put another number on the rising statistics of a drug free natural birth after a caesarean. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t have done it without Cheryl and the information she provided me with throughout our 7month journey together, the positive affirmations she prepared for me which stuck on my fridge, the emails of reassurance and the phone calls of calmness.

I was so pleased I did my research and hired a doula. I’ve never felt so empowered.”

Thanks for sharing your story Briar 🙂

I hold regular Birth Empowerment Workshops in Brisbane with Doula Liz Leys, to find out more and keep up to date with all of our events join us on meetup or check out the event schedule on this page.
