Coping with Crippling Anxiety

I am really struggling with this bullshit today.. literally shaking as I type, my throat feels like its closing in, heart racing, usual signs of a panic attack coming over me, want to run away, want to shut down my pages, want to cry on the floor and break shit and never talk to anyone again and live in a motherfucking doona cave on a diet made of spaghetti jaffles and triple choc fucking cookies.

Can’t though, got a  business to run, kids to look after, healthy food to prepare, enquiries to respond to, have to get to the fucking post office too and be a fucking grown up and shit.. that’s life.

So I thought I’d share some of my coping strategies when the anxiety is all consuming and I feel like nothing is or ever will be ok again and I want to smash people in the face and call them cunts.. but that will just unravel shit further.

1. Take a fucking breath and walk away, remove yourself from people that are stuck in a constant victim/negativity state and who are causing you grief. Turn off your phone. Reply tomorrow. Literally leave the house. As much as you want to cry on the floor with chocolate all over your face. Fucking get the fuck up and walk down the road, even if it is only to the corner, even if it is only two paces out of your house. Even just sit on the stairs or in the grass, preferably in the sun. Stare at a tree or the clouds. Breathe. Deeply and slowly. Feel the sun on your skin. Concentrate on nature.

2. Watch babies laughing on youtube. Legit. If you have a baby or kids play with them. Make them laugh. Hold them close. Have a bath with them. Cherish their soft skin and love for you.

3. Get the fuck off facebook. I mean go on there sometimes. To look at my page and shit. Cos you love it. Unfollow negative shit. Do a fucking friend cull. Remove people that bring you down and create nothing but negative, over dramatic bullshit around you. Seriously. You don’t need them. Tell the Universe that you attract people who have their shit together, who are calm, supportive, realistic and grateful. Who offer you love and wisdom. I mean sure none of us are those things all the time, but remove the complete leaches from your life. It can be hard, but omg it’s so much better when your time is not taken up dealing with utter bullshit.

4. I also use essential oils to help manage emotions, whilst they cannot cure anxiety they can most certainly help with anxious feelings, grounding, calming and uplifting your mood.

5. Write a gratitude list, when you start it may seem like there is nothing to be grateful for, but you will find an abundance of shit to be grateful once you start. The grass you are sitting on, the sun on your skin, your family, your dog, whatever it might be, just list that shit down.

6. Seek counseling or some sort of outside support if you need to. I see a shamanic/reiki/crystal/energy/aromatherapy healer Kurt. I also see a Counselor as well as an Osteopath. It helps tremendously. Book that shit in stat. Don’t hold off. You can get mental health plans to assist financially if need be.

7. FUCKING DELEGATE. Seriously. You can’t do everything and be everything and be super fucking human. Read this post on burn out. Learn to ask for help. Take help. Receive help. Get help. Fucking do it. Yes yes I know, no one does shit as well as you. But seriously. Get help.

8. Drink a motherfucking cup of chamomile tea, that shit is relaxing.

9. Take regular fucking breaks, make some soup, make big batches of nourishing meals that you can reheat on the stove. Eat them slowly. At a table. Concentrate on your chewing and digestion. Sort your gut health the fuck out.

10. Do some fucking meditation. That hippie shit really works wonders. My all time favourite one to practice at home is this one.