Jessie Reimers is the worlds youngest doTERRA Presidential Diamond Leader, writer, activist, speaker, creator and entrepreneur.

As a young woman with Aspergers, mum, someone that came from poor health and poverty and has had many different challenges and obstacles to face- she thrives on educating and empowering people to smash through their fear and anxiety and draw on their inner strength and courage to create the life of their dreams.

She has had no prior business experience, no formal qualifications and understands what it’s like to have low self worth and confidence. To feel like you don’t have the skill set, toolset or personality to achieve great things. Yet in the face of adversity she has risen and helps others rise with her.

Her quick wit and sass will leave no room for you to stay stuck in your pity party or wallow in victim mode so get ready to CLAIM YOUR POWER!!
You can find out more at