I use and recommend doTERRA Essential Oils as they are 100% Pure, Ethically and Sustainably Sourced from the Indigenous Habitat Globally, tested for potency and purity, third party tested and are safe, natural, free of contaminants/synthetics/fillers and offer incredible therapeutic value. To read more about why I love these oils click here.





The Basics Birthing/Labor Kit

AU $179.25 + shipping (includes wholesale membership)


10ml Solace/Clary Calm Roll On

AU $30.75 wholesale

An absolute must have. But please do not use this at all during pregnancy until you go into labor or use it to bring on labor if you are overdue. If labor stalls/is slow/weak/contractions slow down use Clary Sage diluted between your thighs, on your shoulders and around your ankles as well as other pulse points, lower back to help ease pain, diffuse to help your mindset as well. Can also be used for afterbirth cramps/pains delivering the placenta or cramping when breastfeeding. Will also help balance hormones and ease period pain when your cycle returns after birth.



Lavender Essential Oil

AU $28 wholesale

Calming, soothing, assist with pain and mood management, promotes a gentle, nurturing environment, can assist with sleep and a fantastic oil to have on hand when baby is born for all things soothing/calming (see New Baby Kit). Also fantastic to have on hand to soothe sore breasts.


Ice Blue Soothing Blend

(called Deep Blue in the US)
Au $42.50 wholesale

Dilute with carrier oil and apply to lower back/shoulders/neck/wherever you are feeling tension/pain


Black Pepper

Essential Oil Au $26.50 wholesale

Dilute and layer over lavender/ice blue to assist with pain/circulation.

Fractionated Coconut Oil

Au $16.50 wholesale

A safe carrier oil to dilute oils and apply topically.




with the Basics





The Absolute ULTIMATE Birthing/Labor Kit 

US $494.25 + shipping (includes wholesale membership)



Clary Sage

Essential Oil US $42.50 wholesale

An absolute must have. But please do not use this at all during pregnancy until you go into labor or use it to bring on labor if you are overdue. If labor stalls/is slow/weak/contractions slow down use Clary Sage diluted between your thighs, on your shoulders and around your ankles as well as other pulse points, lower back to help ease pain, diffuse to help your mindset as well. Can also be used for afterbirth cramps/pains delivering the placenta or cramping when breastfeeding, dilute with carrier oil and apply to the abdomen, also known for increasing milk supply, massage breasts around nipples, drink plenty of water, eat well, make cookies and lots of skin to skin.



Essential Oil US $34 wholesale

Use this leading up to labor/birthing as perineum support. Dilute with fractionated coconut oil and use your fingers to massage the thin membrane, google where your perineum is or ask your midwife if you need help, it will decrease the chances of tearing and make everything supple and prepared. Also fantastic for labor pain management, use on the abdomen and back with clary sage before, during and after labor. Also great for tender breasts, make a roller with Geranium, Lavender and Frankincense and apply around the nipples and massage in (avoiding nipples).



Essential Oil US $24 wholesale

Great for labor pains, management, lower back and to support circulation, also good for increasing awareness/lifting mood as well as coping and when you feel overwhelmed and fearful mindset. Will help calm nerves and relax the mind. A great overall support for optimal labor. Dilute and apply to the lower back, diffuse or sniff from the bottle. Apply to the neck.


Lavender Essential Oil

Essential Oil US $25 wholesale

Calming, soothing, assist with pain and mood management, promotes a gentle, nurturing environment, can assist with sleep and a fantastic oil to have on hand when baby is born for all things soothing/calming (see New Baby Kit). Also fantastic to have on hand to soothe sore breasts.



Essential Oil US $18.50 wholesale

Great for promoting circulation, pain management and also really good for Hemorrhoids after birth! Dilute and apply topically.


Essential Oil US $17 wholesale

Can also be useful for assisting contractions/slow/weak/stalled labor as well as getting through the more difficult stages of labor, apply with carrier oil. Also fantastic for increasing milk supply, massage topically with clary sage in carrier oil and take a drop in water, also great with a drop of lemon in water to get the bowels moving again after birth.

Citrus Bliss

Invigorating Blend US $18.50 wholesale

A beautiful one to diffuse in the room especially if feeling tired or low. Uplifting, energising, invigorating and smells delicious it will help left the spirits and get through the more difficult times.


Massage Blend US $30 wholesale

Relaxes muscles and soothes joints, promotes circulation and a healthy inflammatory response, great for lower back massage, pressure points, feet, hands, legs, neck and shoulders, great for after birth too when mum needs some extra support and back/neck/shoulders are giving her grief from the breastfeeding and carrying bub. Be aware this blend does contain peppermint and this can effect supply in some women.



Essential Oil US $96.25 wholesale

Known as “liquid stitches” in the natural word a great one to have on hand should any tearing/bleeding occur. Helps skin recover quickly, supports localised blood flow. Also fantastic for stretch marks. Dilute with carrier oil and apply.

Clary Calm Roll On

US $28.50 wholesale

In an easy to use and apply roll on Clary Calm will be excellent for cramping/labor pains as well as after birth pains, balancing hormones, supporting, calming and soothing.



Lotus Diffuser

US $110 wholesale

Great for diffusing your oils and blends throughout labor and will come in super handy for the future using all your essential oils in the home with new bub and for years to come.


Fractionated Coconut Oil

US $15 a safe carrier oil to dilute and apply your oils topically.





with the ULTIMATE Birthing Kit


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