The System Sets Us Up for Poor Health- How to Escape It!

This is a subject I am extremely passionate about.  I believe prevention and education are absolutely paramount in turning the current health care crises around and getting people back to energy, vitality and their birth right of having good health and happiness.

Unfortunately our system fucks us right from the get go.. even in the womb- generations of being surrounded by toxic chemicals both in the home and everywhere we go, generations of chemical medications with dangerous and often unknown side effects, fluoride in our water, antibiotics for every little ill effecting our gut health, the massive rate of c section which means our babies don’t get the good flora they need when they are birthed through the vaginal canal, the very low breast feeding rates, soy, antibiotics, chemicals, pesticides, trans fats, free radicals, margarine, the pill, terribly outdated nutrition advice, diet products, yo yo dieting, low fat chemical shitstorms, factory farmed- feed lot meat- the last 100 years of fucking with our food supply, giving a pill for every ill, messing with women’s hormones, fucking with birth and the natural mammalian way to feed our babies, shaming wet nursing, it has all led us to the health of today, and it sure as shit is not a pretty fucking picture..

However the time is now, it’s in your hands to make change and turn that shit around. Opt the fuck out en masse. Things you can do to take back control of your and your families health-

Eat well, eat local, eat organic, grow your own, keep some chickens for eggs, avoid supermarkets and their non foods. Get cooking, even if its just eggs on sourdough, start somewhere, even if you just start by growing herbs in your window sill. Make some changes today. Utilise bone broth and probiotic rich foods. Keep it simple, vegetables, fruit, good quality grass fed meat, wild caught fish, traditional, nourishing fats and of course the foods you love and feel like now and then too, balance is a great thing to have, a severely restrictive diet will place too much stress on your life and happiness. There is no need for perfection as stressing over the perfect diet will kill you quicker than having balance and a little fun now and then!

Breastfeed your children solely for the first 6 months of life and then up to two years and beyond according to the WHO recommendations. If you are unable to breastfeed consider donor milk as an alternative to formula. Check out Human Milk 4 Human Babies.

Make informed choices about where you birth and pick a support team that will honour the natural birthing process. “Spontaneous labor in a normal woman is an event marked by a number of processes so complicated and so perfectly attuned to each other that any interference will only detract from the optimal character. The only thing required from bystanders is that they show respect for this awe-inspiring process by complying with the first rule of medicine –nil nocere (do no harm).” G.J. Kloosterman

Statistic show that couples spend more time researching what kind of car they will buy then where they will birth their child.. don’t make this mistake. I know people in the administration of some hospitals in my area. Straight from the horses mouth they are told that they have to meet a MINIMUM of 70% caesarean rate to meet budget. I shit you not. This is the kind of vitriol we are dealing with.

Understand and educate yourself about the cascade of intervention. Do you really need a caesaraen because you had one last time? I know countless women who have had a vaginal birth after even two or three previous caesarean births. Do you really need to be induced because you have gone a few days or even a few weeks over your due date? Do you really need to be monitored? Please. Please. Get educated so you don’t have to deal with the trauma of my first birth clouded by unnecessary interventions and followed up with a massive dose of trauma and post natal depression.

Some resources for you Why Undisturbed Birth

We Had A Baby and here is Our Unusual Story

The Business of Being Born and Orgasmic Birth


Read my birth story here.

I am starting regular Birth Empowerment Workshops in Brisbane, jump on meetup to stay in the loop with when they are on.

I am fully aware that medical intervention and modern medicine can be brilliant and life saving. So many wonderful things have been achieved with current medicine- cochlear implants, prosthesis, putting bodies back together after horrific accidents, skin grafts and dealing with ACUTE situations.

Unfortunately the management of chronic degenerative disease- which is most of the health issues we see today, is most often handled appallingly. It seems the best we can do is give out a cocktail of drugs to manage the SYMPTOMS, rather than getting the body back into balance and treating the CAUSE of the disease.

Again, opt the fuck out.

Take control, get your gut health back into balance, get sunshine on your skin, learn to meditate, breathe deep, learn to manage stress appropriately (yoga, reading, relaxing baths, counselling, daily swim, whatever works for you), eat well, find things that work for you that you find healing, emotionally/spiritually beneficial and relaxing.

Obviously some drugs/medications are necessary and it would be ill advised to just stop taking them- work with a health care professional that actually understands health (hint if they tell you eat margarine, go on a low fat, low calorie diet or food has nothing to do with your symptoms, keep looking).

MINIMISE TOXIC EXPOSURE and keep the use of drugs and antibiotics to an absolute minimum- leave that shit alone so that when it is REALLY needed and necessary and life saving you haven’t become antibiotic resistant and the drugs can do their job properly!!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. This post is for information purposes, please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional.

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you! Amazing, all-encompassing post on what is seriously wrong with our ‘food’ system, obsession with cures rather than prevention, mindless consumption, wilful ignorance et al. Most of the time I feel like i’m banging my head against a brick wall and no-one else cares but now i’ve found a kindred spirit! Love your work x

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